Someone is in my presence. I am unable to observe you clearly; however, your intense aroma and your static electricity are making my vibrissa twitch.
Upon my entrance, I confirmed my appreciation and immediately acclimatised. I made no adapations as I familiarised myself with the present contemporary arrangements. This place of residence is far beyond adequate, as it had many indispensable items. The new custodian endeavoured to present familiar commodities that were now redundant as I had promptly progressed from them.
The introduction to another lagomorph bared no happenstance as our enclosures were adjacent and comparable in proportion. As my visual perception was deficient, I relied upon my vibrissa to sense his existence. We were in extreme propinquity; however, no practicable concerns arose.
The creative custodian ventured to propose regular activities that occurred in quotidian sequences. Some were set forth by the external atmospheric conditions, other more frequent undertakings eventuated routinely. Innumerable pass-times were bestowed upon me; I showed my delight and appreciation of each.
The new custodians seemed nice, they gave us new foods to try and lots of clean water. The air even smelled different and there weren’t as many audible qualities.
Exceptional nourishment ensued. Colossal quantities of grass accumulated in elevations beyond my own fastigium. Platters of appetising sustenance were bestowed upon me. As might be expected, I obliged. These foodstuffs became highly anticipated as I relished their arrival.
The custodian must know about my visual challenges, as she invariably vocalises, enabling me to predict the contact she inevitably will force upon my physique. This in turn enables me to make preparations for the action she will undertake. I have discovered that she vocalises certain audible signals to convey deliberate proposals, in turn enabling me to authorise or decline the pursuit.
My original epithet, like my history is unknown. I was provided with the tag “Cherry” while I was awaiting a permanent residence. My title officially became “Super Nova” as it describes my disposition perfectly. I thank my custodian wholeheartedly for this, giving me a new life, love and happiness each day.