I said previously, in March, I would start training the bunnies in April. After watching their successful bonding process this month, I think I will start it next month only because it gives them time to solidify their bond with each other.
Their bond is more important at the moment.
Articles in the Health Library you may be interested in:
- list of Life Skills
- Skills and Training
- clicker training
- information on speech buttons and how to use them
- everything you need to know about how bunnies communicate
- tips and tricks on how to teach your bunny
- discover that bunny behaviour is not what we think it is
I am trying different things with them, though.
Over the past few weeks I have introduced them to the idea that their nibbles comes from a box. I rattled the box to get them excited before I gave them their nibbles. On some occasions, not often, I let them eat from the box. This is super exciting for them.
I try different enrichment games with them all the time. This one is nibbles in a box, the clips are not holding the lid down. The bunnies have to try to get into the box to get the food.
Maple took over and ripped the box away and threw it across the pen. Then, of course, she ate it.
I gave Lunar a go. He took a little while to figure out the lid. He flipped the lid off and was proud of himself. He picked the container up and moved it around.
I’m going to try the container enrichment again but put some high value treats in the box. It’s not a good idea to give high value treats all the time, that way they won’t expect it and it’s extra special when they do get the treat. It makes the task more enriching if they win sometimes.