It is quite uncommon for a pet rabbit to have ticks, especially in Australia.

But they are susceptible to get two different species of ticks: Ixodes holocyclus and argasidae ticks.

Ixodes holocyclus

These ticks cause neurotoxic effects on animals, luckily rabbits are resistant to the effects. A study on wild rabbits in Sydney found that even though the rabbits were infested with larval and nymph ticks, hardly any adult ticks were found. If any adult ticks were found, they were in the head and neck area, which made it harder to groom off.

Slower rabbits and ones who had floppy rabbit syndrome, spinal disease/injury and were generally weaker were suffering from another illness or toxin that was not connected to the ticks. If those rabbits had an adult tick on them, it was not connected to the illness.

The Ixodes lives mainly on the east coast of Australia, where there is high rainfall, rain forests and dampness. They need high humidity and daily temperatures between 27-32°C make the tick rapidly grow. Dry or excessively wet conditions will kill the ticks.

Their main hosts are koalas, bandicoots, possums and kangaroos.

The tick’s natural predators are insectivorous birds and wasps.

These ticks are known as “hard” ticks.


Is known as a soft tick.

They transmit pathogenic bacteria and viruses that cause paralysis allergies, autoimmune disorders and post-infection fatigue in both animals and humans.

They can be found on birds, including chickens and seabirds, kangaroos, wombats, reptiles, wallabies cattle and dogs.

Are ticks harmful to rabbits?

Yes. Ticks can cause an infection and irritation at the bite site. Some bunnies get very sick from tick saliva.

Ticks suck blood, which means the rabbit will be generating lots of white blood cells to fight off the tick. If the rabbit has lots of ticks, the rabbit can get anaemia, which is an excessive amount of white blood cells, and a very limited production of red blood cells. This is classed as a lack of blood.

How to keep ticks off your bunny

It’s a good idea to treat your rabbit with flea treatment monthly from October to April, over the warmer months. The flea treatment should help prevent any external parasitic infestations.

If you have other pets, like dogs and cats, make sure you treat them all at the same time. Make sure that you disinfect all bedding and pet areas thoroughly and regularly. Also let the sun shine on the floor and bedding, as sunlight deters parasites. The less shadowy places, the less creepy-crawlies.

Removing the tick

If you are unsure how to do it, take your bunny to a vet, any vet.

If you are willing to give it a try yourself, put rubbing alcohol on the bite area (and the tick) and with a pair of tweezers grab the tick as close to the rabbit’s skin as possible. Then with an even, steady pressure, pull the tick straight up, don’t twist or jerk the tick.

Put it in a jar.