We live in a bushy area in Victoria and every so often we get unwanted little furry friends move in. Today was no exception. A small mouse decided to pay us a visit in the shed, most likely wanting to move in and raise a lovely large family. But, of course, we hade alternative ideas for the cute little critter.


We heard the trap go off while we were doing other things, and we went to check. The poor little fluffer was stuck in the metal box. It was scared and hiding, because even though humans have really good living arrangements for mice, with hay, feed and endless amounts of space, they are huge and scary.

The little mouse hid the best it could.


Because we don’t kill animals, we decided to take it for a walk in the bush and release it.


It will find a good home out there with other mice.


As I was taking a photo of it, the mouse ran up to the camera and posed. It wanted an ever lasting photo of itself for me to put in Buttons’ Memoir, so here it is.

I hope you find a new life out there little one, you were kind of cute.