Bunny zoo

Lunar decided that humping Maple was exciting. Luckily, Maple is a gentle sweet bunny and was submissive to the onslaught of Lunar’s incessant side and head humping. Honestly, I thought it would start after she was 3 months old, but clearly Lunar had other ideas.

My sister and I decided to check Lunar’s sex again. After trying to figure out what we were looking at, we found a penis. Lunar is a boy. Humpity Lunar is horny.

I checked Maple too, she had nipples and clearly was different to Lunar’s anatomy, especially when gently pressed.

Okay, so now I have to separate the little ones. Luckily I still had their cage. Lunar went into the cage and Maple stayed in the bigger space.

OMG! I need 4 separate pens. My poor sister was starting to have a zoo in her house.

Gender and Sex

What’s the difference between gender and sex?

Sex refers to the organs mammals are born with. Generally, either male or female organs.

Gender is the applied understanding of male or female. For example, a female can call herself a male, or a male can call himself female, or a female can call herself a female, and a male can call himself a male, that is gender.

In human terms, only medical centres and your birth certificate will refer to sex.

Forms that you fill in (if they are not medical) must ask you about your gender, never your sex, as sex is private but gender can be known by the public.

That means gender reveal parties should really be called sex reveal parties. But then again, the baby hasn’t agreed to the parents exposing them on that level…

And… that’s why it’s called de-sexing, not de-gendering.