Remember a while ago when I went on a 48 hour holiday and met Coco the cat and Marley the dog? Well, their carer fell in love with a bunny…


Meet Betty. Well, her name will probably change once we pick her up and get to know her, but isn’t she gorgeous?

Betty is about 5 months old, she was born on the 24th December, 2023. The current carer doesn’t really know if she is a girl or not, but I will say she’s a girl until I check her on Saturday, 8th June. I think she is a girl, but I have been wrong before.

Betty’s carer has to move back to QLD, where you’re not allowed to have rabbits as pets, so she put Betty and her two sisters up for sale on an online platform.

Betty has one blue eye and one magpie eye (blue eye with brown markings) – which I am a little worried about knowing about what Lunar went through with the growth behind his eye to turn it brown. I will have to check with Betty’s current carer to see if the brown has grown in size or it has stayed the same – if it has grown, then she could have a tumour like Lunar had. I wouldn’t want Betty’s new carer to have to go through that, but if they are aware of it, they can deal with it appropriately.

The photos below are taken from the advertisement:

Betty and siblings
Betty's brown and white friend
Betty's grey friend
Betty's brown and white friend

Of course, I’d love to have them all because bunnies are the best! It will be sad to separate them, and they will all need a lot of attention to get over their depression and separation anxiety. But a lot of pats, cuddles and attention will help with that. They are still young enough to cope with a huge change.

Betty is not litter box trained, although her carer did try. Apparently, the rabbits go outside during the day where they are free to do as they please, and at night they come inside. It sounds like they have a similar lifestyle to Buttons and Nova.

❝ I believe she was born on the 24th December. I’ve had her since she was 6 weeks old. I just got them as pets, and they are very spoiled. It breaks my heart to let them go but unfortunately cannot have bunnies in QLD, so no fault of their own at all. I got her from a family in Mill Park, I only saw her mum while collecting her and she was a broken black and white bunny who looked well looked after. She is currently shedding (if that’s what you call it) so it looks like she has a little mohawk. I do brush her every second day just to try to make her look nicer. She is such a sweetie. They go outside on the grass every day and absolutely love it. She can be a bit tricky to catch at night time when I’m bringing them in but is always easily bribed with treats or food. ❞ – a message from the current carer.

Betty’s New Life

Because I have lots of spare rabbit stuff, I’m going to take some of it with me to help set up Betty’s new room.

litter boxes

I found Buttons’ old litter box (the green one). This photo show the size difference between a training litter box (green) and the large one I found a couple of months ago. The big litter box isn’t so big any more when Buttons is in it, I joke to myself that now he wouldn’t fit in his green one any more.

I’ll take nail clippers, some EVA tiles and a bag of Burgess Mint Dwarf and Junior rabbit pellets. I’ll have to check what food she is eating at the moment and help her transition to the new food. But if she is 5 months old we may just transition her slowly to adult food instead, which should happen at about 6 months old. If that is the case, I’ll have a look at whether I have a spare bag of Burgess Hedgerow Herbs pellets, and bring the remaining part of the bag of Selective Science pellets. That way she can have a mix of flavours for her dinner each night.

I’ll pack some treats, a training clicker and some bits and pieces along those lines. I’ll organise tunnels, maybe I can find my three-way tunnel that Maple and Lunar loved so much. I haven’t seen it around for a while, so I might have thrown it out.

I’ll take a coulpe of my many polar fleece blankets, some flea treatment and anything else I can think of that would help save money for the new set up. I might as well donate my old stuff rather than having to purchase it all new, ultimately the old stuff will do the same job.

We will have to get a couple of pet fences for inside and outside in the garden. I won’t be able to take some of mine because putting them on the Vline bus will be awkward. Whatever I take has to fit in my suitcase, and if I’m stretched for room, another smaller bag.

Betty’s Vaccination

A map to show Calicivrus around where Betty will be living.

We will have to organise her Filavac jab as soon as possible.

The last known recording of Calicivirus was back in 2021, so there is a slight danger of it still being around.

As for Myxo, there are no current recordings. But as we discussed in this article, Myxo usually only affects areas where it is released because it doesn’t travel that much anymore.

Betty’s Neutering

Betty hasn’t been neutered. So we will have to look into that and find the most best vet around the area. It will take a few phone calls to find the best option. We will look into that later on.