Hay stacked at the high end
Another view of the stacked hay
Buttons loves digging around in the hay
He looks like a tiny bunny in the box
Nothing is better than a large litter box. That’s one thing I learned once I gave the bunnies the new one from Bunnings. The high sides make it like a nest where they can dig around and find yummy bits. I also learned that if I stack hay up the back of the box, they spend a lot more time head-deep in the hay eating.
I recommend this litter box. It’s the best.
I purchased two of the litter boxes, which I am not regretting with the weather we are having. I clean their pen, and put all the mess in the old litter box. I then fill the second one, put that in their pen and take the old one away. That way I can clean the old one when it’s not raining, and the bunnies have a fresh supply of hay all day, and all I do is swap between the litter boxes.