Excavator hare

So, here I was minding my own business when I read someone’s post on social media. They provided a really cute picture of their rabbit and asked what species it is, meaning whether it is a Holland Lop, Rex, Lionhead etc. That, my dear person, is the breed not species. I really wanted to answer back and say it’s a Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus, which is the species name. But that’s just mean. So, with a giggle-sigh I scrolled past the post.

Then I decided to look into the meaning of Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus, that’s when I had a laugh.

Hares don’t dig burrows, they make nests and sleep under shrubbery. It’s only the rabbit who digs burrows, hence the name Excavator Hare.

Now Buttons’ nick name is “Excavator Hare” when he shoves his pipes and green house around the pen. He’s just excavating!