Buttons and Cotton asleep.
Cotton and Buttons outside.

I wanted to pick them up and cuddle them, but I restrained myself. But the internet said that it’s best to not pick them up, because they are prey animals and could get very scared. To pat them, I chose get down on their level. I didn’t bend over them because they don’t really like things over the top of them, because it could be a bird or bear or monster… I laid on the floor and touched them through the bars. I made sure not to pat them with the doors of the crate open so they couldn’t escape and run around.

I wanted them to start feeling comfortable in their new home. At this point in time, the crate and carry box are their only secure place in the world. They didn’t need any extra stressors in their life.

I wanted them to start feeling comfortable in their new home. At this point in time, the crate and carry box are their only secure place in the world. They didn’t need any extra stressors in their life.

This was laying the foundation of a stable relationship because they were learning that I’m not scary and I won’t eat them. They needed to know that they could trust me.

Pet rabbits are not wild ones, so certain behaviours have been bred out of them, whether we realise it or not. Domesticated rabbits are not as scared as wild ones, because they should have been handled from a very early age.

Once they move in with us, we have to be very careful to promote only the behaviours we desire in our rabbit from a young age. It is very easy to ignore behaviours because new rabbit owners don’t know what is a good behaviour or not.