It was a 36°C day and I decided that I would introduce the bunnies to a cool mat. I put it under the trampoline because I knew that Buttons liked laying under it. He quickly claimed it as his. Nova wasn’t allowed to enjoy it.

Buttons happy with the cool mat.
Nova wanting to try it out, too.
Finally, Nova got a go.
Sharing the mat…
Happy cool bunnies.

Minutes later I hear a strange clicking sound. I go to check the rabbits and Nova was in the process of chewing a hole in the mat. She hadn’t got through to the gel yet but she was very close to it.

By the time I lifted the trampoline up. Nova had released some gel. I removed the mat as soon as I could, but it leaked everywhere. And I mean everywhere… it was a clear liquid a bit thicker than water.

I tried to fold it up to stop it leaking and put it outside in the bin. I was now worried that Nova ingested some of the gel. Luckily, the cool mat was a pet-safe one and it’s gel was non-toxic. I kept an eye on Nova’s behaviour for the next few hours, but she was normal. She must not have ingested any, or it was definitely made of non-toxic, pet-safe materials.

No more cool mat.