Chester's bed

An old photo of Chester in his bed

I had to drop the cage Chester used to sleep in off at my sisters house, for the guinea pigs to be in. So I was away for a couple of days. The rabbits were in safe hands, and I had written notes on their containers of food about quantities and how often they needed food.

I came in the door and Nova watched me, about 5 seconds later, she flicked her ears, did a binky and ran up to me, recognising me, and welcoming me home. She is such a sweetheart.

Buttons on the other hand, watched Nova, he did an ear flick and a little binky, came up to me and then stepped away, which is his normal behaviour. He never runs up for pats, he always stays away a little bit. That’s not a bad thing, that’s just who he is.

They were happy I was home.

All evening they wanted me to pat them, which was really sweet. They missed me.