I used to have a chair in the bunnies pen to sit on and spend time with them. It didn’t take long before I had to ask permission to use it. Maple figured out how to jump onto it, and she decided that it was the best thing. She claimed it as hers.

Then Buttons checked her out on it. He wasn’t a jumper – short legs – so he watched her on it.

Once Maple passed away, Buttons was game enough to jump up onto the chair. It became his favourite thing. He spent most of the day on it.

When Nova arrived and spent some time outside, she saw Buttons on the chair (we call it Maple’s chair). She clearly wanted one too, so I found the second chair and gave it to her. In no time she had figured out that chairs are fantastic and spent all day on it. She only hopped off it when she wanted pats when we walked past.

Here they are, enjoying the chairs together.

Maple on the chair
Buttons loafing on a chair
Nova on the chair

Hair Fairies

Buttons has been moulting again. This has to be the 4th time this year already! The amount of hair he is losing every day is unbelievable. Everywhere he goes, he leaves white clouds behind him. I brush him with the Furminator and I think I get out a new bunny’s-worth of fluff twice a day.

I put him in the bottom half of a travel box with a towel. The box is on a table, outside. He enjoys being in there, he loves looking around. I realised that he prefers to have his hair pulled out, rather than using the Furminator. I rub my hands over his body and gently pull out his hair, which comes out in clumps. It is very static and sticks to my hands and clothes. I was covered in his hair so much that I had to vacuum myself! The yard looked like it was covered in snow.

After his hair-fairy treatment, I took him for a walk around the garden and then put him back in his outdoor pen, where he settled down for a well earned sleep in his pipe.

Buttons getting brushed
Buttons getting brushed
Buttons getting brushed