Booping is a communication tool that rabbits use to check everything is alright. They press their noses against each other to find out the emotional state of the other bunny.
When it comes to humans, bunnies can choose to boop your finger or not. Bunnies can be taught to boop, but that comes with plenty of practice and patience.
There’s a whole article about Booping, what it means, and why bunnies do it.
While they are outside, I play with them a lot. They are excited when I bring out huge boxes of cardboard for them to play in. They also really like hiding in the base of the carry box that I flip upside down.
I noticed that Cotton and Buttons liked pressing their nose against my hand in a greeting. I decided that each time they did it, I said “boop”. Hopefully they will learn to boop.
Nudging is when the bunny pushes you away with its head, kind of like a gentle head-butt.
Bunnies use nudging in two ways. One way is to show affection and they want pats, the other is a way to say “go away!”. You have to learn the difference between them. Usually the latter is followed by the bunny moving away and giving you a dirty look.
Buttons nudges my hand away when he doesn’t want any more pats.
The Evil Eye
Rabbits don’t like particular things, and you’ll soon work out what they are when they give you the evil-eye. The difficulty is, each bunny has a different personality and what makes my bunnies do it may be different to your bunny.
Generally, rabbits give you the evil eye if you take something away from them, or stop them from doing something they want to do. I guess it’s a form of defiance.
You will feel the pain of an evil eye when they turn their back on you and stare at you through a side eye. It’s even worse if they flick their tail at you, that is 100% defiance.
Cotton gives me the evil-eye when I stop her from eating something she shouldn’t be eating, like the polar fleece blanket or gum leaves.