I try to spend as much time as I can with the rats. At the moment it is difficult because I still have to travel back to the rabbits for a few days, then travel back to where Coffee and the rats are. One day soon I will be moving the rabbits into a new house, where Coffee and the rats are. Then, I will be able to spend more time with them on a frequent basis.


After spending a lot of time with Ginger, she has come out of her shell. She is super curious and loves attention.


Scruffy is so sweet. She loves being my friend.

I’ve noticed that Scruffy is a darker colour compared to Ginger.

Ruby is the best. She can’t see very well, but her nose and ears work really well.

This is a photo of her sleeping in the hay.

We bought a play pen for Coffee, but it was a bit small for her, so we bought a bigger one for her.

The small one became the rats play pen. When the girls are in there, Ginger stares at me. It’s kind of creepy, she would sit there for ages.

Of course I always go to play with her, and she loves running up my arm and onto my head.

All Animals Outside

I decided to put the rats and Coffee outside in the fresh air and sunlight for a while on a warm day.

I thought rats were nocturnal. Not mine. They were out playing all day. They tried every little morsel of food that I fed them, and really enjoyed being outside.

We are going to get the girls a bigger cage like the boys. Then once we move, and they are older, we will look into getting a bigger cage for them to live in. These cages are only temporary.